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From Boss to Leader

From Boss to Leader

SKU: S2332

From Boss to Leader for a Single Unique User Course (Online subscription only)


From Boss to Leader

Bad bosses. Everyone has had at least one in their working career. You do not want to be the bad boss in your work environment, the one who causes good employees to cringe when you enter the room. Or worse yet, you do not want to be the one who causes good people to leave the company. You want to be the type of manager that employees are willing to go the extra mile for. You want to nurture and inspire your team, giving them the confidence to do their jobs well. You want to provide guidance and motivation while showing integrity and modeling the behaviors you want to see in your team. You want to be more than a boss, you want to be a leader. This course will arm you with the tips and general information you need to enhance your skills and transform from a boss to a great leader.


This one-day workshop will help you teach participants how to:

  • Know the differences between good and bad bosses
  • Understand how those who hold management positions can develop into good leaders
  • Recognize the characteristics of good leaders
  • Know the elements of leading by example
  • Comprehend how to use common sense in workplace dealings
  • Know why it is important to use clear communication techniques
  • Understand the importance of providing effective feedback
  • Understand how to apply emotional intelligence to your dealings with others


Course Overview

You will spend the first part of the day getting to know participants and discussing what will take place during the workshop. Students will also have an opportunity to identify their personal learning objectives.


Good Boss versus Bad Boss

In this session, common mistakes made by bad managers are discussed, along with the qualities of good bosses.


The Boss as a Leader

Next, the differences between being a boss and being a leader are explored.


Communication is Key

Then, students will learn about the importance of communication between staff members and supervisors and discuss how to provide effective feedback.


Common Sense

Next, ideas regarding being a great leader will be explored, using one tool: common sense.


The Science Behind Good Leadership

In this session, students will learn how to make employees feel valued, appreciated and important, as well as different ways to reward them for their dedication.


Emotional Intelligence

Next, students will learn what it means to be emotionally intelligent and how to develop this.


Elements of Success

The last session of the workshop provides additional tips for becoming a successful leader.

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