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GDPR Getting the Message Out

GDPR Getting the Message Out

SKU: S2738

GDPR Readiness: Getting the Message Out for a Single Unique User Course (Online subscription only)


GDPR Readiness: Getting the Message Out

An important aspect of privacy compliance is communication, both internally and externally. Employees need to know that privacy-related policies and procedures exist in your organization, and they need to be instructed on their use. Customers also need to be informed about a company’s privacy practices and be given the chance to ask questions. Good communication is essential for maintaining company transparency and is an important aspect of compliance with data privacy laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation. While having written policies and procedures is the best starting place, getting the message out about privacy is a critical subsequent step in the process.


This one-day workshop will help you teach participants how to:

  • Identify methods to communicate privacy-related content internally to your team
  • Develop an internal training program
  • Promote a positive privacy culture in your organization
  • Develop methods to enforce internal privacy practices
  • Identify the important components of a good client privacy policy
  • Properly notify clients regarding policy changes
  • Add a privacy policy to your website
  • Develop your own cookie disclaimer banner for your website
  • Modify your online web forms for better compliancy


Course Overview

You will spend the first part of the day getting to know participants and discussing what will take place during the workshop. Students will also have an opportunity to identify their personal learning objectives.


Spreading the Word Internally

In this session, students will learn about different methods of good internal communication. Effective internal communication is essential for informing employees of policies and procedures relevant to their work. Without good communication, even the best policies cannot be implemented.


Internal Training

Next, they will learn about the two recommended types of privacy training as well as some training methods. Good, in-depth training is the best way to educate a group of employees about privacy practices. With this training, you can ensure that everyone receives the same information and that questions or concerns are addressed appropriately.


Promoting a Positive Privacy Culture

Then, students will learn about ways to promote a good privacy culture in their organization.  Having a positive privacy culture in your organization will help encourage employees to always use good privacy practices. 


Monitoring Your Privacy System

An organization needs to have an effective system to monitor their privacy procedures in order to ensure that all employees are following the rules and to address any malpractices or concerns. In this session, students will learn about monitoring their privacy system using an internal audit.


Privacy Policy Overview

In this session, students will learn about the questions a good privacy policy should answer, and how to adapt their own privacy policy.  The client privacy policy is designed to inform customers and external individuals of the organization’s privacy practices. It outlines what personal information is being collected, how it will be used, who it is being shared with, and what security measures are in place.


Notifying Customers

Once a privacy policy has been adopted or changes made to a privacy policy, your customers need to be notified. Here, students will analyze the elements of an effective customer notification email. 


Web Design – Making Your Privacy Policy Public

There are a few elements to keep in mind when posting a privacy policy to your website to ensure accessibility and clarity is maximized. In this session, students will learn how to effectively add a privacy policy to their website. 


Web Design – Cookie Banner

Then, students will learn how to write and design their own cookie banner disclaimer for their website. Many organizations make use of cookies on their websites. Because they collect personal data, their use must be considered in the context of the GDPR and other privacy laws.   


Web Design - Forms

Online forms that are filled out by customers are a common way for organizations to provide services and collect information. In this lesson, students will learn how to design a privacy-compliant online form for their website.

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