Afican Side Neck Turtle
Pelomedusa subrufa
Elongated Tortoise
Indotestudo elongata
Stinkpot Musk Turtle
Sternotherus odoratus
Southern Painted Turtle
Chrysemys picta dorsalis
African Spurred Tortoise
Geochelone sulcata
Herman Tortoise
Testudo hermanni
Texas Ornate Box Turtle
Terrapene ornate
Azorback Musk Turtle
Kinosternon carinatum
Common Snapping Turtle
Chelydra serpentina
Mississippi Map Turtle
Graptemys kobni
Toad Head Turtle (Giba)
Phrnops gibbus
PRICES AND AVAILABILITY ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE! · IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT AVAILABILITY PLEASE CALL. *Special orders or sex request will be an additional charge *Live arrival guarenteed except on Amphibians and shipmemts that are delayed or misshandled by carrier *PayPal and Credit card processing fees is an additionnal 1.5% of the total.
Buyer agrees not to hold seller liable for any loss, injury or damages whatsoever, including but not limited to consequential incidental or special damages relating to or arising from the animals/reptiles provided by seller to immediate, intermediary or end Buyer. Buyer shall hold seller harmless and indemnify it of any and all possible cost and expenses.
Our gallery is designed for reference; please keep in mind that the animal you order may not be the same one as in the picture. For more information please contact us.