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This website was created by Smartners Business Services

Are you in a relationship with a control freak?

We live in an era of uncertainty, lack of moral values, disrupted family life and the unprecedented rise of divorces. With social media providing so much access and opportunity to meet people from around the world, infidelity is at hand. In addition, the advances of technology have created a virtual/digital arena, where sexting, digital pornography and chatting with people on hookup apps is a norm. On top of all that, many people suffer from disillusionment, betrayal and deception from previous relationships which made them unable to trust. Fortunately, there is an antidote for trust issues: a mix of honesty, integrity, loyalty, affection, reliability and faithfulness. Trust is one of the most important pillars of a successful relationship. Build it, but most importantly keep it strong and long-lasting!

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